Datuk Syed Manshor Bin Syed Mahmood

We just to say many thanks for a very positive meeting. Adabi and I came away feeling well satisfied with the way EDSB manages our affairs plus helping us in our unclaimed moneys. I hope this will continue into the future.

Mr. Kong Soo Har

From my experience in working with EDSB whilst at Atlas Edible Ice, I was very much impressed their efficiency in execution and they have helped my Company recover our unclaimed money, much to the satisfaction of my management team. I strongly recommend their services to other companies or individuals currently facing similar issues pertaining to the recovery of unclaimed monies. This is clearly EDSB ‘s area of expertise!

Dato’ Seow Yong Chin DSSA

EDSB is always responsive to any question i have, they keep me inform of the unclaimed status. And, anytime i make contact with them, they let me know, they have received it and they let me know what the next step is… that’s why working with good service provider is so key…